About Resident Simon!

Who are you?

Hey, I'm Resident Simon! But you can call me Simon, Data, Radar or Blu! I use He/They/It pronouns and only use masculine terms. I'm and adult that's slowly learning how to code with the help of this website!

Stuff I like!

I love Valve games, more specifically, Team Fortress 2, the Half Life series, and Left 4 Dead 2. I also love games like Fallout 4 and New Vegas, and the Fallut series as a whole. Some other games I like are the Pokemon games, Ultrakill, Faith

Check out my About Me page (when I add it, of course) for everything else you might like to know!

Check back soon!

This website will hopefully continue to be updated in the next few days as I get more comfortable with the coding and layouts and such. Check back often for anything new!